My Favorite Hammock

Many people debate about which of our hammocks is the best kind and of course the type of hammock you prefer could depend on many factors. I argue that if you have outdoor or indoor space to devote to an amazing 13 foot by 4 foot hammock -the Spreader Bar Double Hammock is one of my all-time favorites.

The Spreader Bar Double is our most luxurious product and is better than awesome. The 48-52 inch dowel stretches the net open so you can sit down easily without feeling like you are stepping into a canoe or being rolled into a burrito. Claustrophobic? This is the hammock for you.  It provides stability and a diversity of seating positions which allow one to enjoy their favorite computer or tablet or drift off into a blissful sleep. Many people claim the spreader hammock to be the most similar to sleeping in a bed. It is definitely my favorite hammock to use on a stand.  Check out all of our amazing colors and stands. All prices include shipping.


Our Spreader Bar Hammocks

Our Hammock Stands